
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

If You Don't Know What Is Going On...

Mallorca, Spain
Bienvenido! Hello all!
Most of you probably already know me because this blog is intended for family and friends, but for those of you that don't, I will offer a quick bio: My name is Megan. I am a student that will be studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain for the fall semester of 2014. I am a psychology major with an option in business and intend to graduate and continue on to law school. I will be taking the following classes at the study center in Barcelona - Spanish Language and Cultures: Novice Abroad II Intensive, Sports and Society in Spain, Leading Across Cultures: Principles and Practice, Human Development in the Spanish Socio-Cultural Context, and Cultural Perspectives in Psychology. Consider that class list as proof that it will not be just a fun-filled vacation time for this college student (although I have no doubt that I will be enjoying every second of my time in Spain!). I will also be going on many field trips to explore the city/country that will be my new home, including a weekend in Mallorca!
I have never traveled abroad, only been on a plane once to Florida, and speak enough Spanish to know how to ask where the bathroom is... "Donde esta el baño?" It is a strange feeling knowing that you will be spending 3.5 months away from the life you have known for 20 years: a mix of happiness, nervousness, excitement, and terror. My time abroad will not be easy, I am sure, but it is something that I will let myself make the best of. It will be a life-changing experience, an opportunity that too many others allow to pass them by, and I don't want to regret not exploring the world.
I will be living with a family in Barcelona, welcomed into their house and home and integrated into the Spanish way of life. This way, I will be able to pick up the Spanish language quicker and be encouraged to use Spanish instead of English. This is probably the scariest part because I will have no idea who the family is until a few weeks before I fly to Spain! My fingers are crossed that the family adores me and wants me to come back!
To my family and friends: Please leave comments and questions on my posts! I will hopefully be updating at least once a week with pictures and stories of my adventures. If there is anything you would like to know more about or a picture that you would like me to take of Barcelona and post for everyone to see, I would love to do so! I arrive in Barcelona on Monday, September 1, so my next post will not be until after that date. Hopefully I can make it feel as though you are also experiencing a little part of Barcelona with me. :)


  1. Wow! Congratulations, Megan. I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to read all about your discoveries in a beautiful, foreign place. Safe journeys, little girl!

  2. Awesome bio and blog meg!:) can't wait to hear all about your adventures in Spain! Lots of pics!
