
Monday, November 17, 2014

Worth Every Mile

     I wasn't sure, at first, how I wanted to tackle writing about something that I have felt every single day since I have been here. But, I decided I would try to be as positive as possible because that is how we have been for the past 77 days and will continue to be for the next 39.
     Long-distance relationships suck, no two ways about it. 3,933 miles: the distance between our physical entities. 0 miles: the distance between our hearts. As we have been experiencing this distance, we have found the positives, have given each other a reason to smile and enjoy our days where we are located, but to also look forward to that day we are reunited.
I am writing about this to hopefully inspire others. I remember having too many conversations with girls that were amazed that I would leave my boyfriend behind to study abroad. Too many people are afraid to leave their significant others, too afraid that things might not work out, too afraid that something might go wrong. Those are legitimate fears and I will not deny having them, but that is also where the beauty lies. If your relationship can survive physical distance without losing that spark, you know you’ve found a keeper.
There are so many reasons I could list to show the benefits of an experience like this, but I will limit myself to 10. They are not listed in any particular order, simply empirical examples of why it’s really not as bad as we once imagined:
·         It is important that you have a significant other that supports you no matter how difficult the decision you are facing. When you are worrying months before you leave saying, “I don’t want to go!” with tears streaming down your face, and all he does is calmly wipe your tears away and say, “Baby, it’s for the best.”: Ding! Ding! Ding! You have found a winner.
·         Long-distance relationships require trust. If you weren’t so sure before you leave, you have to be sure once you’re apart. Doubts and questions will torture your mind and your relationship. Embrace the opportunity to really build trust and confidence in your significant other.
·         Endless selfies and photos sent of your daily life really allow you to feel like you are almost there, as if you are experiencing time together. Never stop taking photos. Those photos are a gateway to closing the distance.
Endlessly wishing your significant other was by your side during the adventure...
·         As you can no longer rely on physical communication of love, such as hugs and kisses, you will be forced to develop verbal communication. Words are now the most powerful weapon in your arsenal of love. Use them wisely, but don’t hesitate to speak your mind.
·         Arguments are fun while separated by physical distance. SIKE. Arguments are never fun, but the distance adds a new perspective on disagreements. You will no longer leave a conversation without a clear conclusion, you will never leave an argument with bad feelings inside yourself, your verbal communication abilities will be heightened because you can no longer rely on body language to convey your attitude, and every argument will (hopefully) end with a discussion of the reasons you love each other so gosh darn much.
·         As you are no longer able to rely on the days that you see each other every so often to really catch up on how life has been treating you, phone calls and texts become far more frequent. Times of silence during the day when you did not usually speak transform into times of wonderful, short little pick-me-up phone calls. You will start to realize just how much they think about you constantly during their day.
·         Spending time together will always be fun, no matter what you find yourselves doing. We have found that watching TV shows together is one of our favorites: The Walking Dead, The Middle, Suits, Modern Family, and How to Get Away with Murder. The lengthy discussions after the show is over about funny moments, who we believe will be the next one to pass away, and our predictions for the next episode bring us closer together. I promise that despite our long list of shows we watch together, there is also plenty of time to get homework done! Of course, that is typically done together on the weekends as well.
·         This point may not always work out in everyone’s case, but I have a personal Spanish tutor (for FREE). I came to Barcelona knowing a few words, just phrases that I picked up from hearing him speaking Spanish for the year prior to my arrival in Barcelona. When I began my first Spanish class, so ensued the endless questions about the Spanish language. The translating, editing compositions, and study sessions I will be eternally grateful for. I owe part of my grade to the advantage I clearly have with a bilingual boyfriend. P.S. - He is not afraid to remind me about how proud he is of my progress. The hour and a half conversations we have entirely in Spanish are definitely proof of that progress!
·         Your calendar will be booked for the year from the day you are reunited. We have so many plans already made once we are back together. Take the time apart to really think about what you would like to do with your significant other. Give yourself something to look forward to together: exciting travel adventures, movie & pizza days, mini vacations, volunteer activities, and date nights. Make plans and keep them!
·         Take the time to reflect on how good you really have it. Being apart from each other is not as bad as it seems. There will be tough days, but your significant other will always find a way to put a smile on your beautiful face. Distance makes the heart grow fonder (and really impatient).
It is still unbelievable, even to myself, to think that 8 days after I return home from Barcelona, Spain, I will be off to Guanajuato, Mexico! I sit here with my mind wandering to the future, to the 11 best days of my entire life coming up, days that I will be alive and truly living, that are approaching quicker than I imagined they would. Madre, please don’t worry too much, at least I can speak a little Spanish and I have learned all of the essentials as far as locating the bathroom and the nearest hospital!
Go! Travel! See the world! Don’t be afraid to chase your dreams, but don’t forget about your rock that is going to be supporting you through the entire experience.

     To my rock,
Distance means so little when someone means so much.
     Siempre, Megan